

Vote to Ratify Transition Council Authority

Title: Vote to Ratify Transition Council Authority Authors: Hiro Kennelly, trewkat Forum Post: Transition Council Authority


The Transition Council, which was established to guide our community through this period of change, is seeking BANK-holder ratification of its authority to implement a broad set of changes within the DAO, as described in this Forum post.

Six Transition Council members were appointed at the June 24, 2024 Governance meeting, per a tlBANK Snapshot vote. To date, the six appointed members have proceeded with work around purpose and branding, but before we move forward with officially implementing these changes and making additional decisions that will further shape our future, we believe it’s crucial to have the broader community’s formal and documented backing.


If ratified, the Transition Council will have the authority to:

  • Implement its selected new name and brand identity for the DAO (Black Flag DAO) across social media accounts and web presence.
  • Decide on the role of the BANK token and issuance of new token(s) within the new Black Flag DAO.
  • Change the Black Flag DAO membership requirements and organizational structure.
  • Decide on the tooling necessary to operationalize these changes.
  • Update DAO governance processes to reflect membership and/or token ownership rights.
  • Produce a replacement Constitution that reflects these changes (and any others necessary to effectuate these changes). While the replacement Constitution will be written and implemented by the Transition Council with consideration of community feedback, the text will include a process by which members can later suggest and enact revisions to the new Constitution. (After community feedback, the language of this bullet point is slightly different than the Forum post).


Any discussion related to this Snapshot vote should take place on the Forum post.


Do you support the Transition Council’s authority to implement the changes listed under Specifications? This token-weighted Snapshot vote will run for seven days and requires ≥ 66% approval (Yes vote) to pass.




4 months ago

Vote to Ratify Transition Council Authority

Title: Vote to Ratify Transition Council Authority Authors: Hiro Kennelly, trewkat Forum Post: Transition Council Authority


The Transition Council, which was established to guide our community through this period of change, is seeking BANK-holder ratification of its authority to implement a broad set of changes within the DAO, as described in this Forum post.

Six Transition Council members were appointed at the June 24, 2024 Governance meeting, per a tlBANK Snapshot vote. To date, the six appointed members have proceeded with work around purpose and branding, but before we move forward with officially implementing these changes and making additional decisions that will further shape our future, we believe it’s crucial to have the broader community’s formal and documented backing.


If ratified, the Transition Council will have the authority to:

  • Implement its selected new name and brand identity for the DAO (Black Flag DAO) across social media accounts and web presence.
  • Decide on the role of the BANK token and issuance of new token(s) within the new Black Flag DAO.
  • Change the Black Flag DAO membership requirements and organizational structure.
  • Decide on the tooling necessary to operationalize these changes.
  • Update DAO governance processes to reflect membership and/or token ownership rights.
  • Produce a replacement Constitution that reflects these changes (and any others necessary to effectuate these changes). While the replacement Constitution will be written and implemented by the Transition Council with consideration of community feedback, the text will include a process by which members can later suggest and enact revisions to the new Constitution. (After community feedback, the language of this bullet point is slightly different than the Forum post).


Any discussion related to this Snapshot vote should take place on the Forum post.


Do you support the Transition Council’s authority to implement the changes listed under Specifications? This token-weighted Snapshot vote will run for seven days and requires ≥ 66% approval (Yes vote) to pass.




4 months ago

Grants Committee Election for S10 and S11

Title: Grants Committee Election for S10 and S11 Author: paulitobankless Forum Post: Governance Election: Season 10 - Grants Committee Election Submission


According to the BanklessDAO Constitution, there are six seats open for the Grants Committee for the next term (Season 10 and Season 11).

Members stepping down

  • Ornellaweb3
  • Icedcool
  • links
  • baer.eth


You can get more information about this election and see all applications here: Governance Election: Season 10 - Grants Committee Election Submission

In summary these are the 5 candidates by their Discord handle:

  • UXMcEal
  • coffee-crusher
  • anaphant
  • SpiritedF#7303
  • fabiancripto
  • No UXMcEal
  • No coffee-crusher
  • No anaphant
  • No SpiritedF#7303
  • No fabiancripto

The voting system is weighted voting. You can distribute your vote to as many candidates as you wish and also choose the weight on it. There is also a No vote for each candidate. If you feel any of the candidates are not eligible for the GC role you can do a No vote.

Note: If a candidate has more weight on their no vote they won't be admitted as part of the S10 and 11 GC.











No UXMcEal


No coffee-crusher


No anaphant


No SpiritedF#7303


No fabiancripto

1 year ago

Season 10 Guild Signaling


As per the changes to the Season 10 (S10) Seasonal Funding Process, guilds get a flat rate for S10 plus a bonus depending on DAO sentiment. This snapshot asks members of the DAO to signal their support of a guild via voting, which will then be used to award an additional 500,000 BANK for guilds to use to attract and retain talent.


Below you will find a list of guilds vetted by Grants Committee and receiving grants for Season 10. DAO members are asked to signal their support for guilds by allocating some of their token-weight to each guild. This functions almost exactly like a Grants Committee election - you can distribute your vote to as many guilds as you wish and also choose the weight of each vote.

Note: this is not retro-funding, it is a measure of DAO sentiment towards guilds. If you feel a guild is doing a good job and want it to get more resources, weigh your vote higher for that guild. To help make your choice, here are some links to the S10 grant requests from the included guilds:

Note: The last option is for those who don’t think any listed guild should get additional funds. If you select this option, you are effectively voting for the BANK above to stay in the treasury.

Project Management Guild


Developer’s Guild


AV Guild


Design Guild


Writers Guild


None of the above

1 year ago

Swap FEI into USDC

Squad: Treasury Department


BanklessDAO treasury has 1,935 FEI, we need to swap out of this stable into USDC to reduce risk BACKGROUND BanklessDAO treasury received some FEI as part of a research grant. In order to reduce the risk on the DAO treasury, we suggest getting out of this position.


  • The treasury dept has approved this swap

  • If approved via snapshot, the follow transaction will be initiated

  • BDAO multisig would submit a swap transaction to swap 1935 FEI into USDC






1 year ago

Season 9 Seasonal Funding - Late Items

Title: Season 9 Seasonal Funding - Late Items Proposal Champion(s): Links, Paulito Date: Sept 20th, 2023


For the Season 9 Seasonal funding round, 2 projects and 1 guild missed the initial seasonal funding snapshot. The BanklessDAO Grants Committee requests 1,659,200 BANK to be transferred from the BanklessDAO Vault Multisig (eth:0xf26d1Bb347a59F6C283C53156519cC1B1ABacA51) to the Grants Committee Multisig (eth:0x12BD9048b419838e25046040Dcd297aB16850280) to fund these DAO units for Season 9, as per Section 7.1 of the BanklessDAO Constitution,


Guild Funding = 459,200 BANK

  • Project Management Guild = 459,200 BANK

Project Funding = 1,200,000 BANK

  • Global Events = 900,000 BANK
  • Making Bank = 300,000 BANK

Grand Total: 1,659,200 BANK






1 year ago

Tokenomics - Approve DAI Capital Efficiency Strategy

Squad: Treasury Department Date Created: 12.06.2023


BanklessDAO treasury has 14,693.416 DAI sitting idle Deposit DAI in BanklessDAO’s Rari Fuse pool and earn 6.53% APY


After migrating DAO liquidity to Uniswap V3 in early 2022 [here 1], the DAO was able to create a Rari Fuse pool to enable BANK holders to borrow against their BANK.

What is Rari Fuse?

Winverse wrote a nice piece about it in the 4th June, 2022 issue of the Weekly Rollup(here), but in short Rari Fuse allowed the DAO to create its own money market. [link]


If approved, the follow transaction will be initiated

BDAO multisig would submit a deposit transaction into the rari fuse contract

The treasury department will monitor this position and submit a proposal to withdraw when it is no longer feasible to earn yield from this strategy.

This proposal grants the Treasury Deptment the right to deposit the aforementioned funds into the Rari pool from, and the right to decide and execute the withdraw of such funds back into the DAO multi-sig when judged to be appropriate and necessary for economic or risk considerations.

Risks and disclosures:

  • As with anything in DeFi, this strategy is vulnerable to smart contract risks
  • The strategy is also vulnerable to loss of value resulting from by high slippage trades triggered by high volatility black swan events
  • The rari front end may go down, although this can be mitigated by interacting with the smart contracts directly. The Treasury Department will monitor this and be prepared to exit.






1 year ago

Seasonal Meta-governance delegation to DAOStewards.eth


This proposal seeks to renew DAOStewards as the official meta-governance group of BanklessDAO for Season 9, enabling the BanklessDAO Vault Multsig to delegate eligible governance tokens to DAOStewards upon request. DAOStewards will report back to the DAO at the end of each season and propose to renew the delegation.


Bankless DAOStewards is a meta-governance group formed in late 2022, with the goal of representing BanklessDAO in the governance of other DAOs. Through effective governance, the reputations of DAOstewards and BanklessDAO grows, which translates into revenue for BanklessDAO and its projects.

Since inception, we have helped BanklessDAO and its projects earn over 130,000 OP via Optimism, claim 701,275 Collab.Land tokens, and have otherwise helped steward $30,000 to DAO-related projects and affiliated contributors via public good projects such as Gitcoin, DAO Drops, and

We hold delegated voting power from both the Vault and the DAO’s contributors, and have actively participated in the governance of multiple DAOs, including Optimism, Arbitrum, Safe, and Uniswap. Our voting rate remains over 80% and we always communicate our voting rationale via our Notion page 1.

Mission & Values Alignment:

DAOStewards have a proven track record of helping BanklessDAO projects earn revenue, thus enabling contributors to be focused on the mission of helping the world #goBankless.

We lead with Bankless, our members are among the most value-aligned contributors in the DAO. In the coming season we will incorporate tlBANK as a requirement for our governors, thus further aligning our relationship with BanklessDAO and its values.

Scope of Work:

In practise this will have the following implications:

If ratified, DAOStewards will receive delegation of all delegatable governance tokens for Season 9.

DAOStewards will regularly report its voting activity and other wins during the weekly Community Calls.

DAOStewards will post a report of its activities at the end of each season and seek renewal of delegation from the DAO.

If the proposal gains consensus on Forum, DAOStewards will receive delegation of all possible governance tokens for S9 and the consequent implementation will be included in the seasonal spec subject to community approval each season

DAOStewards will incorporate tlBANK into its membership and compensation structure.

Financial Implications:

There are no immediate costs associated with this proposal.

Success Metrics or KPIs:

Revenue raised for BanklessDAO and its projects Voting weight

Squad Background:

Current active contributors of DAOStewards include:

Baer.eth : L2 member, Project champion: Bankless wallet, active governor at SAFE, 1inch

Links: L2 member, Project champion: Bankless Card, active governor at SAFE

HiroKennely: L2 member, Project Champion: Bankless Publishing, active governor at Optimism, A

Thinkdecade: L2 member, Project champion: Bankless Africa, Active governor at Optimism, SAF

LiviuC: L2 member, Active governor at Arbitrum

Jengajojo: L2 member, Project Champion: IMN, Global Events, DAOStewards, Governance Dept coordinator, Active governor: SAFE, Optimism, Arbitrum, Gitcoin, 1inch, AAVE, VITA






2 years ago

Grants Committee Election for S9 and S10

Title: Grants Committee Election for S9 and S10 Author: raybankless.eth Forum Post: Governance Election: Season 9 - Grants Committee Election Submission


According to the BanklessDAO Constitution, there are three seats open for the Grants Committee for the next term (Season 9 and Season 10).

Members stepping down

  • raybankless.eth
  • daolexa
  • p8ul.eth


You can get more information about this election and see all applications here: Governance Election: Season 9 - Grants Committee Election Submission

In summary these are the 2 candidates by their Discord handle:

  • Paulitobankless
  • Ornellaweb3

The voting system is weighted voting. You can distribute your vote to as many candidates as you wish and also choose the weight on it.




2 years ago

Approval for additional weekly funding [Grants Committee]

Author: @daolexa Squad: Grants Committee


In view of the recent changes and the extended duration of the season, the Grants Committee is seeking additional funding to cover contributors’ compensation related to the tasks that will be undertaken by the Committee members. We are asking to approve additional weekly funding for the Grants Committee members.


The mandate of the Grants Committee (as stated in the Constitution):

The Grants Committee is required to be transparent and communicative with the DAO, such as access to Committee meetings and an opportunity to voice opinions and feedback. Seasonal funding is distributed to Guilds and Departments paid from DAO Multisig, and Projects are paid from GC Multisig after the funding approval has been granted. Before new seasons begin, all previously funded guilds, departments and projects must submit a funding proposal to the forum for the Grants Committee to review. Funding proposals that pass the Grants Committee review process are packaged together in a single seasonal budget Snapshot vote. Organizational units seeking funding over the course of a season will be directed to the Grants Committee upon successfully passing their Forum proposal. The Grants Committee is responsible to evaluate these requests and has the liberty to accept or reject these requests for funds. Organizational units seeking funding over the course of a season will be directed to the Grants Committee upon successfully passing their Forum proposal. The Grants Committee is responsible to evaluate these requests and has the liberty to accept or reject these requests for funds. During the last weeks of Season 7, the Committee had to address internal matters and underwent a change in its membership. As a result, the request for additional funding was not considered a priority at that time.


The Grants Committee acknowledges the previous communication and other issues that have arisen between the Committee and other Guilds. Therefore, we are fully dedicated to finding solutions and improving communication with Guilds and projects. Additionally, we aim to establish streamlined processes that will enhance the efficiency of our work and funding procedures.

Moving forward, the GC will maintain its weekly meetings with projects every Friday at 1 PM UTC. We will also keep the DAO updated on any internal changes and modifications to our processes.


Additional funding requested is:

Each member: 3,846 $BANK/week Leads: 6,250 $BANK/week






2 years ago

Season 9 Seasonal Funding

Title: Season 9 Seasonal Funding

Proposal Champion(s): Links, Icedcool

Date: Aug 19th, 2023


Per Section 7.1 of the BanklessDAO Constitution, BanklessDAO Grants Committee requests 23,446,772 BANK and 2000 USDC be transferred from the BanklessDAO Vault Multisig (eth:0xf26d1Bb347a59F6C283C53156519cC1B1ABacA51) to the Grants Committee Multisig (eth:0x12BD9048b419838e25046040Dcd297aB16850280).


Department Funding = 3,944,952 BANK + 2,000 USDC

  • Governance Department = 577,500 BANK
  • Operations Department = 1,518,337 BANK
  • Education Department = 296,115 BANK
  • Treasury Department = 285,000 BANK + 2,000 USDC
  • Marketing Department = 1,268,000 BANK

Guild Funding = 2,947,140 BANK

  • AV Guild = 86,700 BANK
  • Translators Guild = 520,500 BANK
  • Writers Guild = 930,000 BANK
  • Developer's Guild = 220,500 BANK
  • Research Guild = 533,120 BANK
  • Design Guild = 656,320 BANK

Project Funding = 12,665,000 BANK

  • Bankless in Spanish = 960,000 BANK
  • Bankless Publishing = 4,000,000 BANK
  • DAOStewards = 886,000 BANK
  • Bankless Africa = 1,604,000 BANK
  • Infosec Team = 628,000 BANK
  • Podcast Hatchery = 263,000 BANK
  • The Rug = 1,370,000 BANK
  • International Media Nodes = 2,954,000 BANK

Grants Committee Funding = 3,889,680 BANK

  • Contributor Compensation = 789,680 BANK
  • S9 Project Fund = 3,100,000 BANK

Grand Total Seasonal Funding Request: 23,446,772 BANK + 2,000 USDC






2 years ago

Season 9 Specification

Title: Season 9 Specification Proposal Champion: 0xZFI Date: August 21st, 2023


This is the finalized BanklessDAO Season 9 Specification.

Some Quick Reminders

The Seasonal Specifications are simply general operational specifications that allow organizational units to plan for the following season. While the Operations Department will manage the specifications we want as much input from DAO Members as possible so as to make decisions that align with members.

Operational/Governance Changes

These changes have been proposed and have independently passed a vote on the Forum during the current season and their details are to be implemented upon their passage or in upcoming weeks. The vote on this Seasonal Specification will not impact the results of these previously-passed proposals.

  • bDIP-10: Revision to BanklessDAO Constitution
    • Snapshot
    • The BanklessDAO Constitution has been revised to simplify the language and add clarity without making any changes to governance.
    • This bDIP replaces the entire existing Constitution with the entire revised Constitution. The revised text is available here.
  • BanklessDAO Multi-sig Wallet Election
    • Snapshot
    • The Banklessvault.eth multi-sig was refreshed after a year, which allowed inactive members to step-down and active contributors to step-in
  • bDIP-11: Dynamic Forum Quorum for bDIPs
    • Snapshot
    • A formula-based dynamic quorum will be adopted for bDIPs in order to better adapt to the DAO’s evolving membership and reduce the impact of voter apathy. The quorum threshold will be updated each month by the Governance Department according to the formula stated in this proposal.
  • Delegate Snapshot Proposal rights to Governance Dept

Community-Indicated Direction

These temp-checks have been posted on the Forum for discussion and voting, but their details are not ready for immediate implementation. This list indicates new experiments and directions the community is considering taking, but specifics are still being worked out. The vote on this Seasonal Specification will not impact the results of these discussions.

  • TEMP CHECK - Sybil Resistant Forum
    • TEMP CHECK - Sybil Resistant Forum - #7 by BueMetaforo
    • Discussion still open, feedback welcomed
    • From the Governance Department’s S9 Funding Request:
      • “Citing the recent Sybil attacks, we have kickstarted the process to integrate Gitcoin Passport on forum. We are currently waiting for the Passport team to finish the integration so we can deploy this feature in Season 9.”
    • 92%/8%/0%; Yes, No, Maybe (poll still open)
  • DAO Next Season Goals Survey
    • DAO Next Season Goals Survey
    • Survey closed; analysis in progress
    • From the Governance Department’s S9 Funding Request:
      • “The department collected feedback from the community on the direction we should take as a DAO via the DAO Goals survey. We will follow this up with a SWOT analysis of the DAO and create next steps towards alignment in S9.”

If this proposal passes Snapshot, the following timeline will fall into place for Season 9:

Season 9 Operations Timeline

DAO Operational Timeline [Notion link]

  • September 4 : Season 9 begins
  • Week 1 or 2 : The Season 9 Kick-Off Event will be held on Twitter
  • November 11 : All funding requests from guilds, departments, and projects to be posted to the Forum for the Grants Committee to review
  • November 12 - 25 : Grants Committee to work with groups to review funding requests
  • November 19 - December 2 : Draft 1 of the Season 10 Specification to be posted to the Forums
  • November 26 - December 9 : Grants Committee to work with groups to finalize funding requests
  • November 26 - December 9 : Season 10 Grants Committee Election applications accepted
  • December 3 - 9 : Draft 2 of the Season 10 Specification to be posted to the Forums
  • December 10 : The Season 10 Grants Committee election will be posted to Snapshot
  • December 10 : The Season 10 Specification will be posted to Snapshot
  • December 10 : The Season 10 Budget Request will be posted to Snapshot
  • December 17, 2023 : Last day of Season 9
  • December 18 - January 1, 2024 : Annual Break (15-day gap)






2 years ago

Tokenomics - Optimism Liquidity Implementation

Author: Icedcool🏴 Squad: Tokenomics Department


Challenge: In Optimism L2, there is currently no DAO-owned liquidity. L1 Gas costs are increasing, and BanklessDAO Subdao operations are growing on Optimism. To address this, we propose migrating 5 ETH and ~2.2M BANK from mainnet to establish a full range position on Uniswap V3, creating an initial liquidity pool of ~$20k. Additionally, an Arrakis dynamic ranged position will be implemented to support contributors interested in providing LP.


BanklessDAO lacks DAO-owned liquidity on Optimism. With BanklessDAO's expansion to Optimism's Layer 2 (L2), the need for liquidity has grown. To facilitate the utilization of BANK, the Treasury Department proposes migrating $20k of liquidity into a BANK/WETH full range Uniswap V3 position.

This proposal seeks approval from the DAO to implement this liquidity and support Optimism operations.


  • Migrate 5 ETH and ~2.2M BANK to the Optimism BANK/WETH Uniswap V3 position.


The implementation steps are as follows:

  1. BDAO multisig will bridge the 5 ETH and ~2.2M BANK to Optimism.
  2. The multisig will then deposit these assets into the Optimism BANK/WETH Uniswap V3 position.

After implementation, the liquidity depth will be approximately $20k, facilitating initial Optimism liquidity. The Treasury Department will monitor and analyze the volume and usage. After 3 months, a decision will be made whether to maintain or further deepen the liquidity.

This vote will remain active for 7 days. Pending approval of this vote, it will proceed to snapshot for DAO-wide approval.






2 years ago

Delegate Snapshot Proposal rights to Governance Dept

Author: Jengajojo, Icedcool, Hirokennelly


Delegate Snapshot proposals to the BanklessDAO Governance Department to support governance.


This proposal seeks to grant the Governance Department of BanklessDAO rights concurrent with the BanklessDAO Vault multisig signers to post proposals on the DAO’s Snapshot. These rights would be delegated from the BanklessDAO Vault multisig, whose signers would retain ultimate authority to delete any proposals submitted by the Governance Department.


Currently, posting proposals on Snapshot is limited to the BanklessDAO Vault multi-sig, restricting the process to those seven signers. Extending posting rights to the Governance Department furthers decentralization, transparency, inclusivity, and operational efficiency.


  • Delegating Posting Rights: The BanklessDAO Vault multisig will delegate posting rights on Snapshot to the Governance Department, allowing them to create and submit proposals on behalf of the DAO. Vault multisig signers retain rights to delete proposals.

  • Proposal Review and Feedback: The Governance Department will gain consensus from the Vault multisig signers on proposal text, ensuring consensus and decentralization.

  • Transparent Proposal Publication: After review, the Governance Department will post on Snapshot and create an announcement for visibility.

Process Overview

Governance Dept. approval process:

Step 1: Ensure proper format and quorum.

Step 2: Edit text for accurate proposal language.

Step 3: Initiate multi-sig tx from Department wallet with 12-hour delay.

Step 4: Make a DAOwide announcement through communication channels.

Next Steps

  • Implementation: If majority support, BanklessDAO Vault multisig signers execute necessary actions to delegate Snapshot posting rights to the Governance Department multisig.






2 years ago

GC Funding - Accruing value via RPGF3

Title: GC Funding - Accruing value via RPGF3 Authors: Icedcool, Rowan, Links Squad: Grants Committee Date Created: 7/25/23 Date Posted: 8/3/23


The Grants Committee reviewed the funding proposal for Accruing value via RPGF3, a funding project that is overseen by IMN, Nacion Bankless, and Bankless Africa. The GC conditionally agreed to funding based on additional KPIs for the events.

Because this funding request was for more than was available for the Grants Committee to distribute this season, we are proposing this to snapshot for the DAO to approve.

Pending the approval of this snapshot, the funding will be sent to GC to be distributed half up front, and half upon review and verification of the KPIs.


IMN Proposed the following list of KPIs:

  • Number of events >= 30
  • Number of wallets created >= 600

GC requested the following additional KPIs:

  • Number of verified events (verified means they have the following documentation)
    • 3 pictures from the event, with at least 1 image which includes everyone attending the event.
    • 1 short interview from one of the event attendees with the following guidelines:
      • Interviews can be performed with two phones, one for video and the other for audio.
      • Shorts compatible vertical video recording.
      • Max. 2 mins long.
    • A list of wallet addresses of all participants which have performed on-chain TXs.
  • Number Emails collected (to their respective mailing lists)


Distribute 3,950,000 BANK to Grants Committee Gnosis Safe to manage distribution to the groups new multisig, of which half will be distributed up front, and half will be distributed after meeting the KPIs for the events.


Approve Abstain Reject






2 years ago

Treasury - Withdraw idle USDC from deprecated GMI pool

Title: Treasury - Withdraw idle USDC from deprecated GMI pool Squad: Treasury Department Date Created: 6/12/23 Forum Post: Link


  • BanklessDAO has 2,306.9623 USDC in a deprecated Index Coop contract.
  • This proposal is to pull these funds and deposit them into the BanklessDAO Multisig


The Bankless Indices project has launched the GMI 2 index on IndexCoop in season 3 (link)

Since then IndexCoop deprecated the GMI pool due to “not found product market fit or accumulated significant TVL” and flipped everything into USDC (link 1). Since then we have 2,306.9623 USDC sitting idle in a deprecated Index Coop contract.


The steps would be as follows:

  • BDAO multisig would submit a ‘withdraw’ transaction 1 to collect all the USDC from the deprecated GMI contract
  • The USDC would then be deposited into the BanklessDAO multisig.


  • This proposal has passed Treasury Department’s temp check as seen here 3
  • Get approval on the forum proposal ✅
  • Take to Snapshot for final ratification.


Approve Abstain Reject






2 years ago

Delegate VITA Tokens to DAOstewards.eth

Author: @cryptodad @jengajojo @baer.eth Squad: DAOstewards


This proposal suggests delegating VITA token voting rights to DAOstewards.eth to improve BanklessDAO’s participation in VitaDAO’s governance. It aims to build on top of the treasury swap we did with VITADAO last year and create mutual collaboration, which can solidify the DAO position as a leader in the web3 space.


BanklessDAO holds various other DAOs’ governance tokens, which grants BanklessDAO voting rights in participating in these DAOs’ governance processes. It is crucial for BanklessDAO to actively participate in the governance of these DAOs and provide value to them. However, it can be challenging for average BanklessDAO members to timely and efficiently follow what happens in these DAOs and participate in the governance process.

To mitigate this issue, DAOstewards is a meta-governance group formed in Season 61 for BanklessDAO, consisting of dedicated BanklessDAO members with competence, discipline, and bandwidth to participate in the governance process. Since then, DAOstewards has been assigned to vote for SAFE token held by BanklessDAO.

In Season 5, BanklessDAO acquired VITA tokens via token swap1 but was not able to actively participate in the governance of VitaDAO. This proposal aims to assign VITA token voting rights to DAOstewards to improve governance participation in VitaDAO.

Mission and Value Alignment

By actively executing voting rights and participating in governance processes, BanklessDAO can provide valuable input and contribute to the success of VitaDAO. This, in turn, can increase the value of the VITA token, benefiting both VitaDAO and BanklessDAO.

Through its active participation in the governance of other DAOs, such as VitaDAO, BanklessDAO can set an example and encourage those DAOs to participate in BanklessDAO’s own governance. This mutual collaboration can create more value for all parties involved and foster a more robust web3 ecosystem.

Active governance participation can also be a powerful tool for BanklessDAO to increase its influence and promote initiatives that align with its mission. By engaging with other DAOs, BanklessDAO can leverage its expertise and resources to advance important projects, expand its network, and solidify its position as a leader in the web3 space.


The VITA token is the governance token of the VitaDAO ecosystem, which aims to develop and commercialize cellular and gene therapies. To increase participation in VitaDAO’s governance, we propose that BanklessDAO delegate its voting power to ‘daostewards.eth’.

DAOStewards will act as the delegate of BanklessDAO to make proposals, give feedback, and vote in VitaDAO’s governance. To carry out this duty, DAOStewards will form a dedicated group of individuals with competence, discipline, and bandwidth to participate in VitaDAO’s governance process.

VITA Delegate Pod Structure

The DAOstewards delegation comprises max. five members who are vetted DAO governance participants.

Selection Process of Pod Members

DAOSteward’s core team has onboarded the following governance talents:

Jengajojo Cryptodad Thinkdecade

Thanks to the VitaDAO and Metropolis Pod smart contracts, delegate membership is fluid; the Membership is represented as ERC721 access tokens, the DAO or the initial cohort of delegates can add or remove members if a member is inactive or not value-aligned. The exact process of removal should be fleshed out.

Historical Voting of BanklessDAO in VitaDAO None, The current voting power of BanklessDAO in VitaDAO is 16,046 VITA. The expected voting power after the snapshot is also 16,046 VITA.

Financial Implications

The delegation of tokens requires no new or unexpected expenses. Delegation and voting on-chain require gas, which is covered by BanklessDAO’s gas refund policy.

Success Metrics or KPIs

The success of the delegation of VITA token voting rights to DAOstewards will be measured based on the percentage of all proposals voted on and communication of the rationale behind votes, and revenue/perks generated for BanklessDAO.






2 years ago

bDIP-11: Dynamic Forum Quorum for bDIPs

Author: Governance Department


This proposal suggests adopting a formula-based dynamic quorum for bDIPs in order to better adapt to the DAO’s evolving membership and reduce the impact of voter apathy. The quorum threshold will be updated each month by the Governance Department according to the formula stated in this proposal.


Quorum was defined in the Constitution at a time when there were many more active contributors. The challenge with a static threshold is that it is unlikely to reflect the number of active contributors in the DAO at any given time; attention to governance matters can vary significantly between bull and the bear market phases.


How can we address this challenge?

We can either update thresholds manually via the bDIP process — a large administrative burden — or we can adopt a formula-based approach which can dynamically update thresholds based on current Forum activity.

How will dynamic quorum work?
  • The Governance Department will make a Forum post each month setting the Forum quorum requirements based on the below formula. bDIP proposers should refer to the latest available forum update for the appropriate quorum requirement.
  • All governance proposals posted in that month will need to meet that quorum threshold to proceed to Snapshot.
  • All governance proposals need to insert a link to the Forum quorum post for the relevant month to enable accurate record keeping.
Changes to the governance procedure

This proposal will modify the quorum table in the Constitution as follows:

| Governance update | Forum quorum | Approval % | Timeline | |-------------------|------------------------------------------------|-------------|----------| | Major | 30-day Average + (0.2 x 30-day Average) | 70% | 1 week | | Minor | 30-day Average | 70% | 1 week | | Patch | 30-day Average - (0.2 x 30-day Average) | 70% | 1 week |

The following text shall be added to the Constitution:

  • All Forum quorum calculations are rounded to the nearest whole number
  • Any poll which has been live for at least 7 days will be used to calculate the quorum threshold.
  • If a Forum post includes more than one poll, each poll should be considered a separate datapoint
  • 30-day Average formula = Sum of votes / number of independent polls
  • The Governance Department is responsible for updating the quorum thresholds at the beginning of each month via a Forum post. bDIP proposers should refer to the latest available forum update for the appropriate quorum requirement
The bDIP proposal template will include the following update:

Insert a link to the quorum threshold for this proposal.


Makes Forum quorum more dynamic and reflective of the latest activity in the DAO.


Here is an example of the Forum post that the Governance Department will make:

Quorum Threshold for the month of ‘x’:

| Title | Value | |----------------------------------------|-------| | Major | 50 | | Minor | 41 | | Patch | 33 |


| Date posted | Post title | #votes | |-------------|---------------------------------------------------------|--------| | 02-12-2022 | Snapshot voting - Implement Shielded Voting | 53 | | 14-12-2022 | Weekly rollup recap video series | 38 | | 12-12-2022 | Purpose Driven Guild Funding | 29 | | 06-12-2022 | Proposal to re-create the Education Guild Organizational Unit within the DAO | 29 | | 25-11-2022 | Marketing Department Season 6 - Content Coordinator Re-election | 58 |


  • Update Constitution
  • Update bDIP Format


Governance Department






2 years ago

bDIP-10: Revision to BanklessDAO Constitution

bDIP-10: Revision to BanklessDAO Constitution

Draft Authors: Trewkat, HiroKennelly, links, Ernest of Gaia Working Group: Trewkat, HiroKennelly, links, Ernest of Gaia



This work has been supported by the Governance Department with the dual goals being:

  • to update the wording of the existing Constitution so that the information is presented in clear and concise language within an intuitive, numbered structure.
  • to document information about existing governance practices which were not included in the existing Constitution.

The goal for this round of work has NOT been to introduce new governance principles or practices, except where there was concurrent work happening and its inclusion made sense.

Notes from the Temp Check This bDIP follows a Temp Check which included polling on various aspects of the proposed revision.

As a result of Poll 1, the following section of the proposed version has been updated, as follows:

  • 4.6.4 Grants Committee Election Process “… any Level 1 Member may self-nominate … “

The Constitution currently states “anyone may self-nominate”, but 89% of Poll 1 voters were in favour of changing this language to reflect current practice.

Text referred to by the other polls in the Temp Check was already included in the proposed document and this text was accepted by the majority of voters.

  • Poll 2 resulted in 100% of votes in favour.
  • Poll 3 resulted in 84% of votes in favour.

Poll 4 asked whether the proposed revised Constitution is ready to proceed to a bDIP in its current form, and resulted in 91% of voters in favour.

Lastly, as a result of the recent tlBANK proposal passing Snapshot, Section 3.2 of the proposed version has been updated from what was first referenced by the Temp Check to incorporate language about tlBANK. Note the added text does not match the text approved in bDIP-09 but retains the intent.

Vote Time! It’s now time to vote on whether the proposed revised Constitution should replace the existing BanklessDAO Constitution in its entirety, remembering that no changes to governance rights, responsibilities, or processes are enacted by this new version.


Rather than include the full text of both documents in this proposal, the relevant links can be accessed below.

|Current Form|Proposal| | --- | --- | |BanklessDAO Constitution & Community Handbook |BanklessDAO Constitution |


We anticipate that if the revised version of the Constitution is implemented it will clarify our current governance practices and establish the foundation for future governance revisions.




We expect this to be designated as a Major change; although it does not make changes to governance, it is a substantial revision to the existing document. Therefore, the following governance proposal thresholds must be met on Forum before the bDIP proceeds to a Snapshot vote:

|Governance Update|Forum Quorum|Approval %|Timeline| | --- | --- | --- | --- | |Major|63|70%|1 week|

Snapshot proposals run for seven days and require ≥66% approval. If the bDIP proceeds to Snapshot and is approved, the Governance Department will be prompted to update the Constitution.


Trewkat, Ernest of Gaia, HiroKennelly, and links are long-time Level 2 Contributors.


Do you support this proposal for the revised Constitution text to replace the existing BanklessDAO Constitution in its entirety?

  • Approve
  • Abstain
  • Reject






2 years ago

Deposit fees from the UNIv3 liquidity position to the multisig

Title: Deposit fees from the UNIv3 liquidity position to the multisig Squad: Icedcool, Tomahawk, Ernest of Gaia, Sprinklesforwinners Date Created: 1/26/23 Forum Post: Link



The snapshot vote Tokenomics - Migrate DAO-Owned Liquidity to Uniswap V3 1 pulled the liquidity acquired from OlympusPro Bonding, owned by the treasury, and migrated that over to Uniswap v3 as a full-range position. This was sought in order to have a price oracle that could integrate with RARI (which now no longer supports borrowing) or other DeFi platforms in the future. The UNIv3 position has additionally benefited us by consolidating the BANK-ETH liquidity, driving the majority of the volume to Uniswap and improving fee revenue to the DAO treasury.

Uniswap offers a 1% fee pool for smaller market cap tokens with higher volatility (perfect for BANK), and this pool is now where the majority of the existing liquidity lives. Making Uniswap v3 the primary source of liquidity for BANK has shown to be a clear benefit, supporting the majority of transaction volume and maximizing fee revenue to the DAO treasury.


The steps would be as follows:

  1. BDAO multisig 2 would submit a fee-collecting transaction 1 to collect accrued fees 2 from the UNIv3 liquidity position.

  2. The fees that have been earned would then be deposited into the BanklessDAO multisig.


Approve Abstain Reject






2 years ago

BanklessDAO Multi-sig Wallet election

Title: BanklessDAO Multi-sig Wallet election Authors: Editors: senad.eth#8782, links#7868, Trewkat#1933, HiroKennellyᵍᵐ#0001 Forum Date: 3/22/23 Relevant Links: Forum Post, bDIP-8 Election and Selection of BanklessDAO Vault Multi-Signature Wallet Signers

BanklessDAO Vault Multi-Signature Wallet Election

The BanklessDAO Vault multi-signature wallet (vault multisig) is the holder of DAO funds, and disburses BANK to DAO Organizational Units. It is managed by a team of seven BanklessDAO members, and requires four of the seven members to sign in order for any transaction to be executed.

Multisig Wallet Election Process

This election contains the new electees from this forum post, and to ensure that the multisig always hold enough members the previous holders are available for re-election unless they step down.

The potential new electees are:

The potential previous holder electees are:

Multisig Holders stepping down:

  • frogmonkee#6855
  • RedVan🏴🍌#0611


Token weighted voting





Mr. V | mariokondo.eth#2771




Bananachain🏴 (Nanner)#6171






Above Average Joe#5427







2 years ago

Season 8 Seasonal Funding (corrected)

Title: Season 8 Seasonal Funding (corrected)

Proposal Champion: p8ul.eth

Date: May 10th, 2023

S8 funding snapshot

Per current operating procedures, Department, Guild, and Project funding requests were reviewed by the Grants Committee and were approved for a total of 19,431,151 BANK and 2,000 USDC.

With the Grants Committee Allocation and the Grants Committee Project fund included, the grand total is 27,133,151 BANK and 2,000 USDC.

Of this amount, 50% of Project Funding (5,756,989 BANK) will be held by the Grants Committee Multisig to disburse mid-season, based on KPIs being reported.

This proposal seeks to ratify the distribution of the budgeted allocations detailed below.


Department Funding = 3,572,261 BANK + 2,000 USDC

  • Operations Department = 1,286,520 BANK
  • Marketing Department = 1,180,000 BANK
  • Education Department = 674,500 BANK
  • Treasury Department = 431,241 BANK + 2,000 USDC

Guild Funding = 4,344,912 BANK

  • AV Guild = 344,560 BANK
  • Writers Guild = 952,000 BANK
  • Design Guild = 668,640 BANK
  • Developers Guild = 0 BANK
  • Project Management Guild = 594,720 BANK
  • Research Guild = 668,640 BANK
  • Translators Guild = 78,000 BANK
  • Legal guild = 320,432 BANK
  • DAOlationships guild = 717,920 BANK

Project Funding = 11,513,978 BANK

  • Newsletter Team = 1,653,000 BANK
  • Bankless Publishing = 999,978 BANK
  • Bankless Africa = 2,097,500 BANK
  • DAOStewards = 600,000 BANK
  • The Rug = 1,978,500 BANK
  • International Media Nodes = 1,950,000 BANK
  • Global Events = 350,000 BANK
  • InfoSec = 923,000 BANK
  • Governator = 630,000 BANK
  • Making Bank = 332,000 BANK

Grants Committee Allocation = 702,000 BANK

Grants Committee Project Fund = 7,000,000 BANK

Grand Total Seasonal Funding Request: 27,133,151 BANK + 2,000 USDC






2 years ago

Season 8 Specification and Community-Indicated Direction

Title: Season 8 Specification and Community-Indicated Direction Proposal Champion: Ernest of Gaia Date: May 2, 2023


The beginning of this document includes a summary report of bDIPs and a suggested Draft 1 of the BanklessDAO Season 8 Specification. Hopefully the schedule allows for a smooth season transition for everyone.

  • Season 8: Mon, May 15 - Sun, August 27 (15 weeks)
  • Gap Week: Mon, August 28 - Sun, Sept 3 (1 week)

That break is important and I wanted to ensure our operational timelines were aligned to accommodate Gap Week by default. Notice the Gap week is technically between the seasons.

Please review the proposed timeline for Season 8 and provide any feedback regarding the adjustment of dates. If a change in dates is desired for any of the Season 8 milestones, please open discussion in the comments so that any updates can be reflected in a second draft.

Author’s Introduction

Hello! I am Ernest of Gaia, and I have been stewarding the Season 8 transition. The processes around season transitions have been adapting to changes in governance, so I’d like to offer some context on the current state of the season transition process.

Some quick reminders:

  • Seasonal Specifications are not to handle funding requests. Any organizational unit requesting funding should go through the Seasonal Budget Request and be reviewed by the Grants Committee.
  • Any changes to governance would need to be proposed with their own individual bDIPs

The Seasonal Specifications are simply general operational specifications that allow organizational units to plan for the following season. While the Operations Department will manage the specifications we want as much input from DAO Members as possible so as to make decisions that align with members.

This process is evolving and is not without flaws. Suggestions for improvements are welcome. Thank you for your active participation in BanklessDAO governance. Let’s make 2023 up-only!

Remaining Season 7 Operations Timeline

  • May 1: The Season 8 Specification will be posted to Snapshot
  • May 1: The Season 8 Budget Request will be posted to Snapshot
  • May 8-14: Gap Week
  • May 14: Last day of Season 7

“State of the bDIPs” - Community-Indicated Direction and Operational Governance Changes

BDIP Template 1

Constitution and BDIP Standard Discussion & Proposal Part 2

These changes have been proposed and have independently passed a vote on the Forum during the current season and their details are to be implemented upon their passage or in upcoming weeks. The vote on this Seasonal Specification will not impact the results of these previously-passed proposals.

Old Business

Season 7 Business

Unresolved business

  • Season 6 - bDIP-03: Dynamic forum quorum for bDIPs Met Quorum.
    • Next steps: Finish getting revision approval and submit to Snapshot.
  • Season 6 - bDIP 04 : Departments Has not met quorum, is not approved, nor gone to snapshot.
  • Season 6 - bDIP 05 adjustments to member based funding - abandoned in Temp Check stage, Taxonomy is Retired.
  • Season 6 - Temp Check bDIP - 6 - Code Of Conduct Change - This proposal has been closed, keep an eye out for discussions in the DAO discord.

New Business

Season 8 Operational Timeline - 15 weeks

  • May 4th: 2nd Year DAO Birthday
  • May 8-14: Gap Week
  • Mon, May 15th - Season 8 Begins
  • Week 1 or 2: Season Kick Off Event
  • July 9th - 22nd: All Seasonal funding requests to be posted to the Forum for the Grants Committee to review.
  • July 23rd - August 5th: Grants Committee to work with groups to review funding requests
  • July 30th: Draft 1 of the Season 9 Specification to be posted to the Forums
  • August 6th - 19th: Grants Committee to work with groups to finalize funding requests
  • August 6th - 19th : Season 9 Grants Committee Election applications accepted
  • August 20th: The Season 9 Grants Committee election will be posted to Snapshot
  • August 20th: The Season 9 Specification will be posted to Snapshot
  • August 20th : The Season 9 Budget Request will be posted to Snapshot
  • Sun, August 27th: Last day of Season 8
  • Gap Week: Mon, August 28th - Sun, Sept 3rd (1 week)






2 years ago

bDIP-9: Level update to include tlBANK

Title: bDIP-9: Level update to include tlBANK Draft Authors: Icedcool, Ernest of Gaia, Sprinklesforwinners, Tomahawk Working Group: Tokenomics Squad Forum Post: Link


This bDIP recognizes tlBANK as a component of L1 membership, and a core primitive of BanklessDAO.


As the utility of the BANK has evolved organically, the token itself has evolved beyond its original use to provide services within the ETH ecosystem. To keep up with these changes, it is imperative that the token itself evolve. tlBANK was first introduced on the forum here 5. Since then, we have seen support for the use of tlBANK grow. This can be seen in multiple forum posts that have obtained quorum. This can be seen here 5 and here 2. The use of tlBANK was ratified in this 2 snapshot vote.


Recognize tlBANK as L1

|Current Text|New Text| | --- | --- | | L1 - Members | L1 - Members| |Full DAO members are those who have accumulated the requisite 35,000 BANK and are authenticated in the Discord server. The benefits of L1s include access to additional Discord channels and no longer needing to renew the guest pass.|Full DAO members are those who have accumulated the requisite 35,000 BANK and are authenticated in the Discord server. The benefits of L1s include access to additional Discord channels and no longer needing to renew the guest pass. DAO Members that mint the preset tlBANK will also be given L1 Membership with the included benefits. Only the tlBANK minting address receives the L1 access.|


  • This will create secondary use cases for the BANK token by:
    • Allowing tlBANK to trade on any NFT marketplace.
    • Creating new areas of involvement and alignment of projects.
  • UI will define lockup, but open ended on the back to allow projects different involvement.
  • ONLY the minting address will receive the L1 Access to the DAO.


  • Upon ratification, go to snapshot
  • Upon snapshot approval, modify CollabLand configuration to support tlBANK as an L1 level.


  • Approve
  • Abstain
  • Reject






2 years ago

Grants Committee Election for S8 and S9

Title: Grants Committee Election for S8 and S9 Author: p8ul.eth Quorum Requirement: Not Applicable Voting Threshold: Not Applicable (Weighted Voting) Forum Post: Governance Election: Season 8 - Grants Committee Election Submission


According to the BanklessDAO Constitution, there are four seats open for the Grants Committee for the next term (Season 8 and Season 9). One spot remained empty in S7.

Additionally, one extra seat is available for half a term (Season 8 only) due to bananachain stepping down.

Members stepping down

  • sprinklesforwinners
  • Senad.eth
  • thinkDecade
  • bananachain


Due to the limitation of characters that Snapshot imposes, it is not possible to have the full applications in this page.

You can get more information about this election and see all applications here: Governance Election: Season 8 - Grants Committee Election Submission

In summary these are the 7 candidates by their Discord handle:

  • Baer.eth#6344
  • Icedcool🏴#4947
  • Paulito#8869
  • Daolexa#0001
  • Links🏴#7868
  • LiviuC#7835
  • Steff#7452

The voting system is weighted voting. You can distribute your vote to as many candidates as you wish and also choose the weight on it.

The 4 candidates with the most tokens will be elected as Grants Committee members for the next two seasons.

The candidate with the 5th most tokens will be elected as a Grants Committee member for the next season only.














2 years ago

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