Title: Grants Committee Election for S8 and S9 Author: p8ul.eth Quorum Requirement: Not Applicable Voting Threshold: Not Applicable (Weighted Voting) Forum Post: Governance Election: Season 8 - Grants Committee Election Submission
According to the BanklessDAO Constitution, there are four seats open for the Grants Committee for the next term (Season 8 and Season 9). One spot remained empty in S7.
Additionally, one extra seat is available for half a term (Season 8 only) due to bananachain stepping down.
Due to the limitation of characters that Snapshot imposes, it is not possible to have the full applications in this page.
You can get more information about this election and see all applications here: Governance Election: Season 8 - Grants Committee Election Submission
In summary these are the 7 candidates by their Discord handle:
The voting system is weighted voting. You can distribute your vote to as many candidates as you wish and also choose the weight on it.
The 4 candidates with the most tokens will be elected as Grants Committee members for the next two seasons.
The candidate with the 5th most tokens will be elected as a Grants Committee member for the next season only.