Title: GC Funding - Accruing value via RPGF3 Authors: Icedcool, Rowan, Links Squad: Grants Committee Date Created: 7/25/23 Date Posted: 8/3/23
The Grants Committee reviewed the funding proposal for Accruing value via RPGF3, a funding project that is overseen by IMN, Nacion Bankless, and Bankless Africa. The GC conditionally agreed to funding based on additional KPIs for the events.
Because this funding request was for more than was available for the Grants Committee to distribute this season, we are proposing this to snapshot for the DAO to approve.
Pending the approval of this snapshot, the funding will be sent to GC to be distributed half up front, and half upon review and verification of the KPIs.
IMN Proposed the following list of KPIs:
GC requested the following additional KPIs:
Distribute 3,950,000 BANK to Grants Committee Gnosis Safe to manage distribution to the groups new multisig, of which half will be distributed up front, and half will be distributed after meeting the KPIs for the events.
Approve Abstain Reject