Author: Jengajojo, Icedcool, Hirokennelly
Delegate Snapshot proposals to the BanklessDAO Governance Department to support governance.
This proposal seeks to grant the Governance Department of BanklessDAO rights concurrent with the BanklessDAO Vault multisig signers to post proposals on the DAO’s Snapshot. These rights would be delegated from the BanklessDAO Vault multisig, whose signers would retain ultimate authority to delete any proposals submitted by the Governance Department.
Currently, posting proposals on Snapshot is limited to the BanklessDAO Vault multi-sig, restricting the process to those seven signers. Extending posting rights to the Governance Department furthers decentralization, transparency, inclusivity, and operational efficiency.
Delegating Posting Rights: The BanklessDAO Vault multisig will delegate posting rights on Snapshot to the Governance Department, allowing them to create and submit proposals on behalf of the DAO. Vault multisig signers retain rights to delete proposals.
Proposal Review and Feedback: The Governance Department will gain consensus from the Vault multisig signers on proposal text, ensuring consensus and decentralization.
Transparent Proposal Publication: After review, the Governance Department will post on Snapshot and create an announcement for visibility.
Governance Dept. approval process:
Step 1: Ensure proper format and quorum.
Step 2: Edit text for accurate proposal language.
Step 3: Initiate multi-sig tx from Department wallet with 12-hour delay.
Step 4: Make a DAOwide announcement through communication channels.