Title: Grants Committee Election for S10 and S11 Author: paulitobankless Forum Post: Governance Election: Season 10 - Grants Committee Election Submission
According to the BanklessDAO Constitution, there are six seats open for the Grants Committee for the next term (Season 10 and Season 11).
Members stepping down
You can get more information about this election and see all applications here: Governance Election: Season 10 - Grants Committee Election Submission
In summary these are the 5 candidates by their Discord handle:
The voting system is weighted voting. You can distribute your vote to as many candidates as you wish and also choose the weight on it. There is also a No vote for each candidate. If you feel any of the candidates are not eligible for the GC role you can do a No vote.
Note: If a candidate has more weight on their no vote they won't be admitted as part of the S10 and 11 GC.