Title: Season 7 Seasonal Funding
Proposal Champion: 0xZFi
Date: February 5, 2023
Per current operating procedures, Department, Guild, and Project funding requests were reviewed by the Grants Committee and were approved for a total of 12,544,264 BANK and 1,700 USDC. With the Grants Committee Allocation and the Grants Committee Project fund included, the grand total is 20,246,264 BANK and 1,700 USDC.
Of this amount, 50% of Project Funding (3,309,250 BANK) will be held by the Grants Committee Multisig to disburse mid-season, based on KPIs being reported.
This proposal seeks to ratify the distribution of the budgeted allocations detailed below.
Department Funding = 2,337,761 BANK + 1,700 USDC
- Operations Department = 636,763 BANK
- Marketing Department = 890,000 BANK
- Education Department = 435,000 BANK
- Treasury Department = 375,998 BANK + 1,700 USDC
Guild Funding = 3,588,003 BANK
- AV Guild = 373,000 BANK
- Writers Guild = 993,000 BANK
- Design Guild = 622,000 BANK
- Developers Guild = 573,000 BANK
- Project Management Guild = 470,000 BANK
- Research Guild = 219,003 BANK
- Translators Guild = 338,000 BANK
Project Funding = 6,618,500 BANK
- Newsletter Team = 1,541,000 BANK
- Weekly Rollup Recap = 192,000 BANK
- Bankless Publishing = 320,000 BANK
- Bankless Africa = 980,000 BANK
- Decentralized Arts = 549,000 BANK
- DAOStewards = 600,000 BANK
- The Rug = 1,096,500 BANK
- International Media Nodes = 1,240,000 BANK
- Global Events = 100,000 BANK
Grants Committee Allocation = 702,000 BANK
Grants Committee Project Fund = 7,000,000 BANK
Grand Total Seasonal Funding Request: 20,246,264 BANK + 1,700 USDC