Title: Season 6 Seasonal Funding, Final Budget Items
Proposal Champions: Icedcool🏴#4947, 0xZFi#4882
Date: Nov 14, 2022
This additional budget package is to authorize the disbursement of 12,202,000 BANK for Season 6 budget items beyond Guild, Department, and Project funding to the Grants Committee Multisig.
Historically, these budget items have been included in the Seasonal Specification rather than the Seasonal Funding Request. In implementing the recent changes to the Season 6 Specification and the Season 6 Guild, Department, and Project Seasonal Funding Request, these items were unintentionally omitted from the seasonal transition documentation altogether.
Going forward, all allocations shall be defined within the Seasonal Funding Request.
Lastly, this budget package includes an accidentally omitted amount of 1,700 USDC to be sent to the Treasury Department to pay for the BanklessDAO Asset Repository (BrightDash). These funds were approved in the S6 Treasury Dept Funding Request by the Grants Committee, but did not make it onto the Season 6 Budget Snapshot.
Approve Abstain Reject