Title: Season 4 Project and Guild Funding
Proposal Champion: links#7868
Date: April 29th, 2022
Per the Season 4 specification, Guild and Project funding requests were reviewed by the Grants Committee and were approved for a total of 22,015,570 Million BANK with 1.2 ETH.
Of this amount, 50% of project funding (6,681,754.5 BANK) will be held by the Grants Committee Multisig to disburse mid-season, based on KPIs, as per this forum proposal.
Additionally the Grants Committee was allocated 11.5M BANK, with 4.5M set aside for contributor rewards, 7M set aside for Project funding, and 400K set for GC Remuneration.
This proposal seeks to ratify the distribution of these budgeted allocations(between guilds and projects).
Upon review of all the Guild requests, the total request was for 8,652,061 BANK + 1.2 ETH, itemized below.
Upon review of the Project Requests, the total request was 13,363,509 BANK, itemized below.
Approve the Season 4 Project and Guild Funding and distribute funds as per the specifications, disapprove, or abstain.