Title: Season 3 Project and Guild Funding
Proposal Champion: Icedcool🏴#4947
Date: January 9th, 2022
Per the Season 3 specification, Guild and Project funding requests were reviewed by the GC and were approved for a total of 19,185,085 Million BANK with 6.50 ETH.
Additionally the Grants Committee was allocated 11.35M BANK, with 4M set aside for contributor rewards, 7M set aside for Project funding, and 350K set for GC Remuneration. Lastly, the Ombuds program will be remunerated for 222K BANK.
This proposal seeks to ratify the distribution of these budgeted allocations(between guilds and projects).
Upon review of all the Guild requests, the total request was for 8,060,985.00 BANK + 6.00 ETH, itemized below.
Upon review of the Project Requests, the total request was 11,124,100 BANK + 0.50 ETH, itemized below.
Guild Funding = 8,060,985.00 BANK + 6 ETH
- Legal Guild = 435,000.00 BANK
- Writers Guild = 592,000.00 BANK
- Marketing Guild = 846,000.00 BANK
- Operations Guild = 895,000.00 BANK
- Treasury Guild = 300,000.00 BANK + 6 ETH
- DAOlationships = 373,000.00 BANK
- Translators Guild = 698,000.00 BANK
- Education Guild = 755,000.00 BANK
- AV Guild = 740,000.00 BANK
- Analytics Guild = 735,000.00 BANK
- Design Guild = 606,000.00 BANK
- Dev Guild = 1,085,985.00 BANK
Project Funding = 11,124,100.00 BANK + 0.50 ETH
- Podcast Hatchery = 306,000.00 BANK
- Bankless Academy = 1,489,800.00 BANK
- EPA = 405,000.00 BANK
- Bankless Indices = 750,000.00 BANK
- BanklessDAO Bounty Board = 1,256,000.00 BANK
- First Quests = 242,000.00 BANK
- International Media Nodes = 1,590,000.00 BANK
- DAO Dash = 840,000.00 BANK
- Bankless Mobile App = 192,000.00 BANK
- Content Gateway = 336,000.00 BANK
- Newsletter Team = 459,300.00 BANK
- Bankless Loans = 193,000.00 BANK
- Fight Club - Season 3 = 858,000.00 BANK + 0.50 ETH
- Website Project = 230,000.00 BANK
- Legal Newsletter / Decentralized Law = 180,000.00 BANK
- Degen = 1,217,000.00 BANK
- Crypto Sapiens = 580,000.00 BANK
Guilds and Projects Funding Summary:
19,185,085 Million BANK + 6.50 ETH
Approve the Season 3 Project and Guild Funding and distribute funds as per the specifications, disapprove, or abstain.