Title: Season 3 Grants Committee Elections Proposal Champion: Icedcool#4947 Date: January 4th, 2021 Forum proposal
This snapshot was re-uploaded with the BPT token strategy, allowing for BANK holders to vote with tokens held in Balancer's liquidity pools.
According to the Season 3 specification, there will be 4 seats up for election for Season 3 Grants Committee.
The Grants Committee consists of 5-7 members along with a multisig with all committee members as signers.
The voting period will last one week and will take place on Snapshot:
Reason for (re)applying My aim continues to be to support the DAO’s operations, and as a representative of the #dev-guild. I plan to continue to develop the strategies around how the DAO and Grants Committee can distribute funding that supports the DAO, projects and contributors in an equitable manner that supports the long term viability of all three.
Describe your involvement thus far at BanklessDAO I am heavily involved in the #dev-guild and a huge cheerleader of the #analytics-guild. I am also the PM on the Bounty Board project, and am working to support it as it as it grows and develops to be a major DAO tooling component. Lastly, I am working in tokenomics to increase the utility and opportunities around the $BANK.
My overall aims are to support DAO operations, drive opportunities and $BANK valuation that allow members to work for the DAO.
Qualifications - What will you bring to the committee? I aim to bring a balanced, principled and as unbiased an opinion as possible, with an intent to support the DAO’s success in all endeavors, focused on tech, economics, and equity.
I have been part of the Grants Committee since genesis, and aim to bring my learnings to continue to iterate and improve on the service and quality of the Grants Committee.
Sponsor(s) @jameswmontgomery.eth, @frogmonkee, @Eagle, @nonsensetwice, @Grendel
Reason for applying The projects in Bankless DAO make the organisation thrive and move forward. It is important that we distribute the funds across the DAO and keep the machine working at a good speed. It is for this reason that I would like to keep assessing and advising projects for the benefit of all of us.
Describe your involvement thus far at BanklessDAO My involvement with Bankless DAO started in the very first days when the DAO was created, and I have seen the DAO and myself progressing in this space to a great degree and I would like to continue growing together.
In addition to this, I have been overseeing the Treasury Guild since Season 0 and organising and actioning NFT sales successfully on behalf of the DAO as well as being part of the Grants Committee since its origins so I believe all this experience and knowledge about the DAO will make me an excellent candidate to continue as member of the Grants Committee.
Qualifications - What will you bring to the committee? Having studied maths has giving me an analytical mind that likes solving problems and always eager to learn new things. I believe this is important when reviewing projects.
Sponsors @Icedcool @Eagle @nonsensetwice @Grendel @AboveAverageJoe
Reason for applying I am and I feel very involved in BanklessDAO, I strongly believe in its educational, informative and support mission to all those who want to build something in the crypto ecosystem, defi, dao, nft.
The development and implementation of individual or team projects supported emotionally and financially by the DAO is one of the end points of this process of empowering community members.
I wish I could continue my work on the grants committee to be able to support this process which is made up of both support and constructive criticism. Constructive criticism serves to ensure that BanklessDAO is not a sandbox for community projects but a place to learn and fulfill oneself.
Qualifications - What will you bring to the committee? I am involved in project management tasks and have been actively involved in many crypto projects for several years. I think I can put my experience to good use by putting it at the service of BanklessDAO and the grants committee.
Sponsors @Eagle, @Kouros, @Icedcool, @AboveAverageJoe, @siddhearta, @sovereignhealth, @AyrtonB26
Reason for applying I would love to keep supporting new initiatives at Bankless DAO. I plan to step down from the bankless dao website and bankless loans to focus on a potential new role at the Grants Committee.
Describe your involvement thus far at BanklessDAO I have been around since day one and enjoyed kickstarting many initiatives, including being the project champion for the bDAO website and the Bankless Loans project, both projects now have new people stepping up and I feel confident that it’s time to explore this role at the GC to review new projects and stay involved at the DAO. Helping to fix the issue of the token liquidity by onboarding bDAO on the Olympus Pro feels like my most impactful contribution so far.
Qualifications - What will you bring to the committee? My deep interest in Defi, DAO’s, and NFT’s has only increased the past few 5 years. I love supporting and reviewing new initiatives and feel like my passion to keep pushing the space will be a good fit.
Sponsor(s) @Eagle, @Kouros , @Grendel
Reason for Applying: My reason for applying to the grants commitee is that I think I can help add clarity around compensation in projects. Having been involved with the DAO from its inception I have a good perspective on where the DAO is currently, how it got here and where we are trying to go. I believe that compensation on projects needs to have some definition from inception not necessarily a detailed plan but a roadmap for how you will get to a detailed plan. Compensation in the form of roles, bounties, coordinape rounds or other means should be clear to everyone involved setting expectations is key. My primary goal if I were elected to grants commitee is making sure the people involved in a project all have an understanding of what compensation looks like at the moment of deciding to fund it as well as if there is a plan to define forms of compensation for the longterm.
My qualifications: I am aligned with the BanklessDAO mission and will use our mission statement as a guide in my decisions. I am a champion for the podcast hatchery so I know what it takes to make a project and even more importantly I know the challenges involved.
Sponsors: Eurekajohn#2094, Droste#0063, ivan7538#4763
Reason for applying I am a major proponent for BanklessDAO’s mission to onboard new people into crypto, and it would be an honor to help steer funding decisions for the DAO’s next chapter of development.
I am a living embodiment of this community’s mission to provide an on-ramp for professionals who want to leave their boring legacy world jobs behind and help build the future.
Finding BanklessDAO in early November 2021 was, I imagine, like arriving at Ellis Island in the late 1800s. BanklessDAO welcomed my tired self yearning to be free and told me to go find work! The decentralized, permissionless nature of the DAO empowered me to begin contributing almost immediately to the incubation of Bankless Consulting, which was born with an award from the Grants Committee just as I arrived. Helping to build the world’s first decentralized, web3 consultancy has been a thrill. My wife says she has never seen me this motivated to sit in front of a computer screen late into the night.
As I pivot my career into working in web3 full-time in 2022, I would like to play a bigger role in helping BanklessDAO fulfill its mission as we elevate our work and become an even more impactful community within the web3 ecosystem.
Sponsor(s) @RunTheJewelz @Icedcool @omen @dside @MC10
This poll uses the "Weighted Voting" mechanic:
Each voter may spread voting power across any number of choices.
Please use your tokens to weigh which applicants you would like to see elected. Of the applications, the four with the highest weighted votes will be elected to the Grants Committee in Season 3.