Title: Quorum Removal Vote Authors: samanthaj Forum proposals: [Proposal] Quorum Requirement: 36.84M BANK Voting Threshold: 77.64%
Background on the quorum requirement issue: Here.
For additional context, the quorum was set based on extremely high estimations of involvement, and despite having high involvement, we haven’t met them since for any vote.
This has left us unable to implement snapshot votes despite approval of the vote. Ex, got approval on the GSE vote(23M votes), but didn’t reach 36.84M BANK vote, so it didn’t pass.
Our plan is to abolish the quorum requirement with this vote, then re-propose the votes so that we can implement the GSE, then the GSE will re-propose a more researched quorum requirement.
The snapshot vote of this must reach the 36.8M BANK Quorum in order to be enacted.