Title: Grants Committee Election for S7 and S8
Author: Icedcool
Forum Post: Link
According to the constitution there are four seats open for the Grants Committee for the next term (Season 7 and Season 8).
Additionally, one extra seat is available for half a term (Season 7 only) due to a member removal.
You can get more information about this election and see all applications in this forum post.
In summary these are the 3 applicants by their Discord handle:
Since only 3 applicants applied within the submission period, Grants Committee will function with 6 members for Season 7.
With only 3 applicants for 4 open positions, to accurately collect community sentiment this vote will be Single Choice Voting of Approve/Reject to elect all 3 candidates.
Additionally, this vote will be using Shielded Voting as per the Shielded Voting Testing.