Summary The budget of the Grants Committee allocated for projects has fallen to 71,234 BANK and we have had 4 projects requesting for funding in Season 2 for which we don’t have the funds for it in the GC and all of them have had soft consensus in the forums and approved by the GC. These projects are: *Bankless Mobile App (368,329 BANK) *Bankless Index Growth Squad (150,000 BANK) *Ombuds Service (222,000 BANK) *Bankless Africa (200,000 BANK)
Therefore we need 869,095 to fund these projects.
We have had a forum post to ask Bankless DAO what option is preferred by the community but there hasn’t been a clear winner and since one of the options in this proposal asks about the use of funds from the main Treasury we need hard consensus.
We have simplified the options to: