Title: Delegate DAO SAFE tokens to DAOstewards.eth
Authors: Jengajojo
Squad: DAOStewards
Date Created: 12/16/22
Forum Post: Link
This snapshot is to delegate the BanklessDAO multisig safe tokens to DAOstewards.eth This is based on the forum proposal here.
DaoStewards was formed to support governance at BanklessDAO and external DAOs and to be representation of BanklessDAO at other DAOs.
DAO Stewards Vote positions: Link
DAOSteward Members: Link
The values of DAOStewards here:
Net positive engagement: We represent a community aiming to empower all parties involved and develop in a positive-sum manner.
United we stand: DAOstewards believe decentralization is paramount in governing web3. We aim to represent everyday users of web3 and have their unheard voices heard.
Bankless Lifestyle: As a group from BanklessDAO, we aim to enable more people to exit their reliance on legacy institutions and fully embrace internet-native digital organizations.
Quality participation: We believe the quality active contributors could help a DAO evolve. We aim to deliver the best quality of work with minimum bureaucracy.
Upon approval of this snapshot, the BanklessDAO multisig will delegate the multisig SAFE tokens to DAOstewards.eth.
Approve Reject