BalancerDAO’s collaboration with BanklessDAO

Proposed byicedcool.ethicedcool.eth
290 / 5,122voters
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5 min read

Title: BalancerDAO’s collaboration with BanklessDAO (Newsletter Sponsorship, Polygon Liquidity Pool, Written content and Podcast) Forum Post: Link Authors: @eagle, @grendel, @siddhearta, @Andrea BalancerDAO, @Icedcool Original submission Date: 1/13/22 Resubmission Date: 3/6/22 (post Quorum)


BalancerDAO offers to sponsor one BanklessDAO newsletter for the entire 2022 in exchange for a strong economic incentive in BAL for the BANK/WETH pool on Polygon.

Moreover, Balancer is interested in awarding a grant to BanklessDAO for obtaining media coverage concerning its DAO and the aforementioned BANK/WETH liquidity pool on Polygon.

DIFFERENCE FROM PREVIOUS SNAPSHOT VOTE: We will be migrating BanklessDAO owned Balancer liquidity from L1 to L2 to provide the liquidity needs for this Balancer pool. To do this, we will unpair the DAO owned balancer liquidity, migrating it up to L2, then submitting for L2 incentive distribution.


Balancer is a well-known DeFi platform, which recently decided to launch its DAO.

Balancer and BanklessDAO collaborated together in the last season. Balancer has awarded to BanklessDAO an educational grant and has launched a liquidity BANK/WETH pool 1 on Ethereum. Recently, Balancer has launched a BANK/WETH pool 3 on Polygon.


The mission of BanklessDAO is to help the world go Bankless by creating user-friendly onramps for people to discover decentralized financial technologies. Due to its characteristics, Balancer is the perfect example of a DeFi project which could help the world go Bankless, in allowing to create liquidity and to earn from assets which are deposited in the Balancer’s pool. Moreover, in launching its DAO, Balancer - in line with the more advanced web 3.0 culture - demonstrates the willingness of decentralizing its operations.

Moreover, this type of collaboration demonstrates that BanklessDAO has reached a mature status, where projects show up and demand for client services. In the future, sponsorships and paid services will make our DAO financially sustainable.


  1. Polygon BANK/WETH liquidity pool incentives and BanklessDAO Newsletter sponsorship

BanklessDAO is requested to deposit in the BANK/WETH 80/20 Polygon liquidity pool:

  • 4M BANK
  • 14 WETH

Balancer will grant for the entire 2022 a weekly reward of 300 BAL (apx. 5k USD) for depositors. It means that if, for instance, BanklessDAO holds 50% of the liquidity in the pool, a revenue of 10k USD in BAL will be granted to the DAO treasury on a monthly basis (as 1200 BAL per month have a value of apx. 20k USD).

As consideration of the pool incentives, BanklessDAO will host BalancerDAO as the main sponsor on the “Weekly Roll-up” newsletter or the “State of the DAOs” newsletter for the entire 2022. The precise collocation of Balancer’s sponsorship will be determined on a seasonal basis.

  1. BalancerDAO’s grant for media coverage

BalancerDAO would like to award to BanklessDAO a grant of 7k USD in BAL for:

A medium post where the collaboration between Market and BanklessDAO will be announced (500 USD)

2 medium articles, which will be tweeted 2 times by the BanklessDAO account and that will be mentioned in the weekly roll-up. (2,500 USD)

Article 1: The Multi-chain Strategy of Balancer

Article 2: The Creation of the Balancer DAO (with a short version in the State of the DAOs DAO Spotlight section)

A Crypto-Sapiens Podcast where the founders will present the Balancer DAO (2,000 USDC)

A strong marketing campaign concerning the liquidity pools (4 tweets with graphics prepared by designers) (1,000 USD)

1,000 USD for the project champions


In order to get the pool incentives on a yearly basis, BanklessDAO is requested to deposit in the BANK/WETH 80/20 Polygon liquidity pool:

  • 4M BANK
  • 14 WETH

IMPORTANT: Funding will be provided by the BanklessDAO treasury. We will use the BPT tokens that are DAO own, unpair them on L1, migrate them to Polygon, then submit to the polygon liquidity pool.

As to the media coverage, Balancer will cover the entire costs.


Every published item will present BalancerDAO and BanklessDAO logos together.


Success will be evaluated from the number of views of the articles, the likes of the tweets and from the number of the participants at the podcast and at the workshop.

Moreover, Balancer will also evaluate whether the media coverage has brought an increment in the usage of the BANK/WETH liquidity pools.


The proposal requires a snapshot vote.

In case of approval, the champion of the proposal will organize the teams to cover the planned work.

Writers’ Guild Client Services will organize the written content and the publication on Medium. BalancerDAO’s founders will be put in contact with representatives of Crypto-Sapiens in order to organize the podcast.


@Eagle is the Legal Guild Coordinator and member of the Grants Committee. He is a Law Professor and Lawyer interested in blockchain technology, DAO governance and DeFi

@Grendel is the Translator Guild Coordinator and member of the Grants Committee. He is a IT entrepreneur who designs and implements fungible and non-fungible tokenization blockchain projects.

@andrea Balancer is a Balancer core contributor and marketing strategist

@siddhearta is the Bankless DAO Newsletter Coordinator.

Start DateMar 7, 2022 6:00 PM
End DateMar 14, 2022 5:00 PM
Start Block14,340,830
Voting TypeSingle Choice
Voting Results
21M votes100 %
0 votes0 %
21M / 0 votes0%

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